Meet Reggie and Mary Beth

Reggie and Mary Beth

Presidential Candidate: Reggie Flowers
Vice Presidential Candidate: Mary Beth Bensey


My name is Reggie Flowers and I am excited to be running for TeenPact President this year! I am really excited about running with Mary Beth, she has been such an awesome person to work with and to get to know. I cannot wait to see what God has planned for this election and for National Convention!

So for some random facts about myself - I play tennis. I enjoy drama and musicals. My favorite color is green. My friends have nicknamed me oreo. I live out in the boondocks, in the middle of nowhere, in Louisiana ;)

But anyways, I am 17 years old. I attended my first my first state class 5 years ago. I would have never thought that this government class with all of this homework would make one of the biggest differences in my life. I have always liked government, history, and campaigning... and this was just another way to learn more about my state government. I would have never thought that I would learn more about God and his plan for my life just through TeenPact. I am so blessed to be going to NC this year. I am excited about getting to meet each and every one of you. I thank my Lord and Savior for this opportunity!

*Mary Beth*

Hey Guys! So I'm Mary Beth! I'm sure many of you might have been asked the question at one TeenPact class or another - choose three words to describe yourself. Don't we all love answering that question on the spot? ;) Personally, I love that question because it gives you just a slight insight into knowing someone... with three simple little words :) So now you're wondering, so Mary Beth, what three words describe you? My answer would have to be Joyful, Fun-Loving, and Passionate. Now as far as random facts go, I love pink, my little dog named Bella, and hammocks. I enjoy the beach, the mountains, and hurricanes. I live in Orlando, Florida (and no, I don't go to Disney every day ;) Music is a passion of mine - especially when I can rock out on my drums! So while those things describe me..... you might be wondering, where does TeenPact fit in there? Good question ;)

TeenPact has impacted my life like nothing else has over the past couple of years. God has used TeenPact to grow me and challenge me in making a difference for Him. I went to my first state class in 2008, not quite knowing what I was getting myself into... just knowing I was overwhelmed with the homework. Well, by God's blessing I was able to attend National Convention that year and from that point on completely fell in love with the ministry. I've been blessed with the opportunity to attend several alumni events as well as staff several classes. Running for Vice President this year is an incredible opportunity to share a message, a theme, that God's placed on my heart - shine. I'm so looking forward to all that God has in store this year at NC. I can't wait to get to know you all better!

~ Mary Beth ~
1 Thes. 5:16-18

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